在营运上,公司不断的大胆求变,求新,将传统的五金业脱变成符合时代需求的现代化五金行业, 为广大的顾客提供一站式的五金建筑材料,以及浴室,厨房用品等。
难得的是,在转型的当儿,依然坚守及传承公司创办至今来所树立的信誉与口碑, 促使能在时代洪流中脱颖而出,在业界稳站一席之地。
在服务方面,追求的是细心,知心和贴心,通过步代一致且组织强大的工作团队, 细心的了解顾客的需求,进而为顾客提供最详尽的产品知识,以及最专业和优质的服务, 确保顾客可以在众多产品当中做出明智的选择,打造属于他们的理想家园。 就如公司的口号 “Ideal Choice For Better Home”.
一家成功的公司,取决于高瞻远嘱的掌舵人,其个性虽随和,但却是位目标明确,在事业上经常自我鞭策, 与时并进和勇往直前。为此,员工们自然会紧随掌舵人的步伐向前冲刺,所以公司才能由一间租借的小店面, 发展至拥有属于本身的地段。
近年来公司也朝向制造业与房地产,希望在合作伙伴的配合之下,推动公司腾飞发展, 让本区域的人有更高的物质享受。
Sing Lee Siang is one of the hardware shops that is well known in Muar. The company was established in 1998 and for the last 25 years, it’s credibility is well trusted by the customers. It is taking steps to change the ‘old hardware shop’ concept into a ‘modern hardware’ shop following the current time.
The ‘one stop’ hardware shop concept is applied to the system which not only sells hardware and building materials but also kitchen and bathroom appliances, household products and others. The company also has an excellent team of staffs that will provide customers the best services ever. “Ideal Choices for Better Home” is the company’s vision and goals that makes its different from others. The company is powered by a dynamic and excellent leader who has clear goals in order to serve the customers better. With excellent teamwork from its leader and staffs, the company can developed from a small rented shop into what it is today.
Now the company also expand the business into housing development, manufacturing and production with the great support and cooperation from the suppliers and customers.